At Home With The Lallas
We first got to know DJ Lara Fraser when we sent her some faux fur accessories to wear on a winter visit to Val d'Isere. That all seems like a lifetime ago! Soon after Lara's trip we all found ourselves in the first Lockdown with no prospect of working or travelling in the normal way.
Lara is one half of The Lallas, a female DJ duo which she and Laura Pradelska set up together a few years ago (the name derives from an amalgamation of their names Lara and Laura) They have played all over the world at venues including The Cannes film festival, Ascot and London Fashion Week to name just a few.
And that's not all, Lara works as a music producer and Laura is an actress appearing on stage, but also known for her role in Game of Thrones as Quaithe.
So, a typical week for them would be hard to describe, but it would always be action packed and high energy!
We got touch with the Lallas to find out how they were coping with this new way of life and discovered that they had been busy setting up an amazing Podcast - At Home With The Lallas - in which they interview celebrity guests in their own relaxed and natural style.
Read our interview with the Lara and Laura, below, and start listening to the podcast!

At home with The Lallas
Where did you grow up? How did you become a DJ? How did you meet Laura Pradelska?
LARA: I grew up in Australia, with short stints in Brazil, Ecuador and America, finally residing in London 10 years ago. I met Laura in my first week of being in the country through a mutual friend Azim. It was best friend version of love at first sight which many years later turned into us working together.
We became DJ’s after working together at a radio station on our own show The Weekly Appdate, where we talked about Tech! We were given the opportunity to do a DJ set at the London Fashion Week opening party and we fell in love with it.
LAURA: I grew upup in Frankfurt, Germany, I moved to London at 17 to finish high school (A-levels) then to LA when I was 18 to pursue an acting career, and then back to London, where I went to Drama school for 3 years. I met Lara just after I graduated and like she said” It was best friend version of love at first sight”
I have always loved music and actually had turntables when I was about 12, where I would sit in my room, play records (try mixing- badly)
But it was really only when Lara and I got the opportunity to play at events, that I learnt the craft. Lara has been the tech mind in our relationship and has made every job possible through her knowledgeable and expertise .
What would be typical week for the Lallas before the onset of Covid?
LARA: Gosh, we were always very busy! We would DJ at events once or twice a week, head to the studio for our live radio show on Resonance. FM 104.4 every Tuesday. We both also have separate careers, I’m a music producer and Laura is an Actress, so we would both have to balance everything perfectly.
LAURA: A typical week would be, as Lara said DJing, our Resonance show. I do mainly VoiceOver work and theatre, so I would “normally” be on stage every night at 7 pm
How did you decide to become ‘adult roomies’?
LARA: I live by myself (down the road from Laura) so it was a no-brainer. We knew instinctively that this was going to be at the very least many months and I don’t think I could have done it and kept my spirits in check with no human contact. Laura is the most generous, open friend I could be blessed with and didn’t hesitate to open her doors to me before the lockdown had even begun. To be honest it was one of my best decisions of 2020.
LAURA: It was the best decision ever and has really made life so much easier. If it hadn’t been for Lara, I don’t think I would’ve and could've been this productive. We grew closer as friends and had emotional support from each other, as neither of our families are in London.
Was home important to you before, or did you spend most of your time away from home?
LARA: It was always important; however, I was not home nearly as much. I definitely have done some decorating and home improvements over this time. I never realised how much the dé cor of your surroundings can change your mood, productivity and outlook on life.
LAURA: It was important but I never spent much time at home, as I would always be out on either jobs, auditions, gym etc.. Now I feel so grateful to have home with my husband Dene that we both love and have made our little sanctuary.
What did you miss most in lockdown? How did you spend your days?
LARA: There were a lot of little things I missed. Sitting down for coffee or a meal at a restaurant and hearing the buzz of people and energies around. DJing for a room full of people. Going into the studio to record. Being able to give friends a hug.... And many many more things.
LAURA: deIinitely performing. Being on stage is where I am happiest. But I also miss normally and I have so many friends who have been affected by Covid - I long for the days when this virus wasn’t wrecking havoc in my friend and families lives and we could all just be together.
Tell us about how the idea of At Home with The Lallas came about?
LARA: Laura and I have been interested in Podcasts for a while so this was the perfect opportunity for us to put in the amount of time and effort it deserved. The name is a spin off of our radio show ‘Around The World With The Lallas’
LAURA: Exactly what Lara said. It was something we had wanted to do, and this was the time.
This was your Iirst podcast so was it a bit of a learning curve?
LARA: Yess! There were so many parts to it that we didn’t realise initially. We had to set up our own recording space, look into acoustics, account for gusts bad internet reception. We were both learning together so even the stressful parts were enjoyable. Honestly. Don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much!
LAURA: Oh absolutely !!! Again I completely agree with everything Lara mentioned, and am actually smiling as I type this, because even when things went south often, Lara and I had could have a good laugh afterwards :)
How did you find such great guests?
LARA: Some were acquaintances, some were friends, some were people we admired but all began with simply reaching out. Laura and I wrote lists of people we thought would have interesting stories and perspectives and literally slid in DM’s wrote emails, texts whatever it took!
LAURA: Yes exactly what Lara said, we got very lucky that everyone agreed to come on our show.
You talk in your podcast about the peaks and pits of this strange time - what are they for you both?
LARA: The peak was being able to take some time to think and consciously create the direction I want to be going in both career wise and personally. I also had the time to work on some new skills. The pit was not being able to see my family or be in Australia for my nephew's birth.

Favourite moments with a particular guest?
LARA: There were so many good ones! I loved speaking candidly with Rose McGowan about her life experiences and passions. Jo Froggatt was great as she told us some hilarious trolling moments and of course talking CBD, weed and business with Big Narstie.
LAURA: I loved all of them, one line from Louise Hazel the Olympian will stay with me forever. We recorded with Louise who was in LA at the time just as the demonstrations for Black Lives Matter were in full force. Louise said “if you are against racism, you need to speak up NOW!”
Any disasters?
LARA: Oh countless! We were recording out of Laura’s closet in a heatwave so everything from having to record in our undies as we were sweating so much! The internet breaking down, forgetting to press record and the list goes on.....
LAURA: Oh yesssss many. Everything Lara mentioned - but it did all work out in the end. We were just figuring it out as we went along
What’s next for you and how do you feel about the next few months of restrictions?
LARA: We are releasing our second series, which is a little lighter and focused on Love In Lockdown. This includes friendships, marriages, dates etc... we want to hear about how personal relationships have changed and have been affected by lockdown. I have actually finally got back to Australia after around 7 months of trying so we will be recording remotely.
LAURA: I am doing my VoiceOver and Broadcasting work from home and keeping as positive as possible
Any sneak peaks at your future guest list?
LARA: That we can’t reveal! But I will say the first episode is just Laura, myself and our fantastic new producer Jayli having a ‘lay it all on the table’ chat between ourselves before we put any of our guests in the hot seat!
LAURA: Oh we have a fabulous line up and our newest addition Jayli is just a dream to work with
Around The World with The Lallas also broadcast regularly on @resonancefm
Listen to At Home With The Lallas
Follow on Instagram @djlarafraser @lpradelska