Run by Women
We are a female founded and a female led company. But what does that mean? and why does it matter?
I have been raised in a family business, one led by my mother. I work with my sister-in-law, amazing seamstresses and the dream office team, all women…. plus my brother.
Some of the team after they made blankets for Ukraine
The business started when we were kids. Mum was there when we got home from school, she employed other mums, and everyone worked around school pick-ups and took time off in the holidays. We have worked with multiple women in the same family. We have seen and supported women becoming the sole earner in their family as well as many single mums working around playgroups and football clubs.

Helen & Hester
Our business has grown, we sell internationally, supply some of the world's greatest stores, design and make everything in the UK and even manage a few hours of sleep a night.
It sounds good, doesn't it? And that's because it is. Women supporting women is important.
When you have your own business, you have an opportunity and a responsibility to yourself and your community to make the changes you want to see in the world. We often talk about making our products here in England but we don't talk (often enough) about the team that makes them.
Women in our business have a voice. They have the freedom to work flexibly and creatively.
Hester, Helen & Jessica Moore
We are lucky to be stocked in lots of independent boutiques and lifestyle shops, mostly run by incredibly hard-working women, and we have never seen women work harder than they are today. During the pandemic we all witnessed the extra load placed on women when it came to home-school and childcare and for many this was in addition to continuing with their day job, including many who run their own business.
However, we are not perfect and know we know we can do better for the women we work with and we have great plans!
Hester x
Further reading
Here are three books I have recently enjoyed: Work Like a Woman by Mary Portas, A Good Time to be a Girl by Helena Morrissy and If in Doubt, Wash Your Hair by Anya Hindmarch.
And some good accounts to follow are Pregnant then Screwed and Mother Pukka and Holly & Co
We are a community of women, mothers and daughters. Knowing so many women are leaving their sons and partners in Ukraine hurts. We stand with Ukraine and all the women taking the journey no one should have to make.
This month we are donating 10% of our Mother's Day collection website profits to Choose Love please check them out and take a look at their brilliant work.
Banner and info graphic by Holly & Co